Historical locations | Settlement community of Unna-Vinckestraße

The beginning of the 1950s saw lack of living space in Unna and nearby towns. It was intended to increasingly meet this situation with own initiatives. Expelled persons from the former Eastern territories primarily came together to create so-called settler communities, that then constructed new single-family settlements on their own and without external support.
This mainly took place in Unna’s Vinckestraße. Each „settler“ invested around 7,000 hours of work in his new home, as mentioned and praised by a local Unna newspaper in 1949. The district authority ensured that each house had enough garden space for purposes of self-sufficiency.
Expelled persons also found new homes in other roads in the vicinity, for example in the Breslauer- and Königsberger Straße as well as in the still independent community of Massen in the Straße am Pfauenufer.


unna, Vinckestrasse-2

Expelled persons settlement in Vinckestraße.

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